This unthinkable journey will bring you face to face with the happiest (and unhappiest) people, places and ideas on earth, but which encounter will change you? Will it be the rape victim or will it be the rapist? Could it be the politician, the preacher or the peasant? What about that member of the Taliban, the Maasai warrior or the death-defying doctor of peace?
As I show you the people, the places and the ideas that turned me from suicidal teenager to the man of a million smiles, I wonder… whose story will change you?
This book offers a comprehensive blueprint for advancing society on a global level, where the latest science helps us answer the hardest questions that we as a human family must face.
MIKE WORSMAN is a writer, filmmaker and global adventurer who’s spent the past decade sharing stories from war-zones, slums, Wall Street and the White House. His work has reached more than 120 million people from every country on Earth.
The book is a 6×9 inch novel of 629 pages, including hundreds of stunning photo pages scattered throughout.
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